Condition/Grading Information
New:The item is brand new, in it’s original packaging.
Grade A:
The item is in an as new condition. It has been inspected and fully checked and is in full working order. The item is complete with all parts and accessories included. Packaging may have been replaced and/or may show signs of transit or storage damage.
Grade B:
The item has been professionally refurbished/repaired and may show minor cosmetic marks and/or scratches through previous use. Original packaging may have been replaced and/or show signs of transit or storage damage. The item will be supplied with accessories/parts required for the item to function but may be missing non-essential accessories.
Grade C:
The item was previously used and shows signs of wear and tear. It has been inspected and fully checked and is in working order. The item may have cosmetic marks and/or scratches and original packaging may have been replaced and/or show signs of transit or storage damage. The item will be supplied with accessories/parts required for the item to function (essential items) but may be missing non-essential accessories / manual.